The Wedding of Tian & Andy

Welcome to the Wedding of Tian & Andy

The wedding of Tian & Andy will be live streamed Pasadena in Sydney, NSW Australia.

We wish you could be here in person but this is the next best thing! Happy watching and hopefully with a glass of bubbles in hand - despite the time difference! Love Tandy xxx

4 responses to “Tian & Andy”

  1. Hannah Bremner Avatar

    Congratulations will try and stream it but will see photos no doubt

  2. Faith & matt martin Avatar
    Faith & matt martin

    So glad we could watch! You guys looked beautiful! Wishing you both all the happiness the world x

  3. Chloe & pat Avatar
    Chloe & pat

    That was everythiNG.
    We are so happy we could tune in.
    You both look insanely hot!
    We love u all so much!
    Have the bestest time ever xxxxxx

  4. Heather Ramsey Avatar
    Heather Ramsey

    tHank you for LETTING me share your happy day. CONGRATULATIONS to you both.i Wish you both many WONDERFUL years together. Lots Of love, from Auntie HEATHER
    P.s Today brouht back memoriEs, Tian, of two weddIngs in which you featured as a little flower girl.

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